
Bagisto Laravel Razorpay Extension

Bagisto Laravel Razorpay Extension

Bagisto is an open-source Laravel eCommerce application. Bagisto is one of the popular eCommerce applications in the Laravel framework. From the last few years, bagisto made several well-known establishments in the field of the eCommerce section. Razorpay is a popular payment gateway in india. This package provides a additional strong help for the user to use the Razorpay payment gateway in their Bagisto laravel ecommerce application.

Automatic Installation

1. Use command prompt to run this package composer require wontonee/razorpay

2. Now open config/app.php and register razorpay provider.

     'providers' => [
       // Razorpay provider

3. Now go to package/Webkul/Admin/src/Resources/lang/en copy these line at the bottom end of code.

     'key-id'                      => 'Key Id',
'key-secret'                      => 'Key Secret',

4. Now go to your bagisto admin section admin/configuration/sales/paymentmethods you will see the new payment gateway razorpay.

5. Now open app\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken.php and add this route to the exception list.

     protected $except = [

6. Now run php artisan config:cache

Manual Installation

1. Download the zip folder from the github repository.

2. Unzip the folder and go to your bagisto application path package and create a folder name  Wontonee/Razorpay/ upload src folder inside this path.

3. Now open config/app.php and register razorpay provider.

     'providers' => [
       // Razorpay provider
4. Now open composer.json and go to autload psr-4.
     "autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
    "Wontonee\\Razorpay\\": "packages/Wontonee/Razorpay/src"
5. Now go to package/Webkul/Admin/src/Resources/lang/en copy these line at the bottom end of code.
     'key-id'                      => 'Key Id',
'key-secret'                      => 'Key Secret',

6. Now open the command prompt and run composer dump-autoload.

7. Now run php artisan config:cache

8. Now go to your bagisto admin section admin/configuration/sales/paymentmethods you will see the new payment gateway razorpay.

9.  Now open app\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken.php and add this route to the exception list.

     protected $except = [

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