bagisto laravel ecommerce open source platform for paytm payment gateway extension checkout by wontoneee solution partner bagisto

Bagisto is an open-source Laravel eCommerce application. Bagisto is one of the popular eCommerce applications in the Laravel framework. From the last few years, bagisto made several well-known establishments in the field of the eCommerce section. Razorpay is a popular payment gateway in india. This package provides a additional strong help for the user to use the Razorpay payment gateway in their Bagisto laravel ecommerce application.

Lets start our steps:

Automatic Installation

1. Use command prompt to run this package composer require wontonee/razorpay

2. Now open config/app.php and register razorpay provider.

'providers' => [
       // Razorpay provider

3. Now go to package/Webkul/Admin/src/Resources/lang/en copy these line at the bottom end of code.

'key-id'                      => 'Key Id',
 'key-secret'                      => 'Key Secret',

4. Now go to your bagisto admin section admin/configuration/sales/paymentmethods you will see the new payment gateway razorpay.

5. Now open app\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken.php and add this route to the exception list.

protected $except = [

6. Now run php artisan config:cache

Manual Installation

1. Download the zip folder from the github repository.

2. Unzip the folder and go to your bagisto application path package and create a folder name Wontonee/Razorpay/ upload src folder inside this path.

3. Now open config/app.php and register razorpay provider.

'providers' => [
       // Razorpay provider

4. Now open composer.json and go to autload psr-4.

"autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
        "Wontonee\\Razorpay\\": "packages/Wontonee/Razorpay/src"

5. Now go to package/Webkul/Admin/src/Resources/lang/en copy these line at the bottom end of code.

'key-id'                      => 'Key Id',
 'key-secret'                      => 'Key Secret',

6. Now open the command prompt and run composer dump-autoload.

7. Now run php artisan config:cache

8. Now go to your bagisto admin section admin/configuration/sales/paymentmethods you will see the new payment gateway razorpay.

9.  Now open app\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken.php and add this route to the exception list.

protected $except = [

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