Engagement Is the Key

engagement is the key

Yes, engagement is the key, and this is what we heard for many years, especially together with social media boom. It is main part of success for businesses; convincing your audience to engage with your messages. So, we are not only expecting them just to hear or watch us, we would like them to be part of it.

So, engagement is a participation, an active involvement, it is a kind of emotional relationship where you learn something from each other and experiencing the ideas of both side which define the communication between them in this long journey.

I will not enter depth of this topic in this article, but I would like to remind you another area where engagement is also very important. As you can guess from our main topic, learning. you may remember our childhood, in our classrooms, how many times we heard it from our teachers to engage the lesson more and they reminded us it is the first step of learning.

Nowadays, do students still put their hands up in the air to speak? I don’t know exactly, but what I remember in classrooms the main difference from business was engagement shows success of students(audience) not the message giver(teacher). It is interesting, that all our business life we are trying to get our audience attention and if we cannot, it is our failure but in classroom it is visa-versa.

Wasn’t it good to have the same opportunity but just order our client to engage with messages and not give them low scores? Of course, I am joking but it is not a joke in classrooms.

I am finishing my words here, as I told you at the beginning, this was an introduction to several articles related to engagement in learning and gamification, so I hope you like it and keep reading me.

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